Bankruptcy Discharge Papers

Includes: Dicharge Papers. Proof case has been discharged or dismissed. (2 pages total, in most cases)

Only for $17.99

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Complete Bankruptcy File

Includes: Full Case File. Petition, Schedules, Discharge, and more (25-40 pages total, in most cases).

Best value $42.99

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Schedules & Discharge Papers

Includes: Discharge Papers + Schedules D, E, & F. All Creditor included in case (5-7 pages total, in most cases)

Only for $32.99

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Find Your Old Bankruptcy Papers:

Just when you thought you would never need them, you get a request to present your complete bankruptcy file. The original was in a safe place and two copies were made, yet the document is no where to be found. Obtaining a copy of the bankrupty record you need is made easy. No contacting lawyers or courts. Just tell us which documents you need, and we'll take care of the rest.

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